versi bahasa indonesia (dibawahnya)
School Eliminate Senile
EDUCATION and the work with the pressure of could protect someone from senility that became the sign of the illness of the beginning alzheimer. The researcher from San Raffaele University, Milan, Italia, Dr Valentina Garibotto and his team researched 242 sufferers alzheimer, 72 cognitive disturbance sufferers light, and 144 people who did not have the problem of the memory.
The power capacity remembered and cognitive the subject of the research was tested. At the same time, their head was checked to know the change and damage in the brain. The researcher followed the development of the subject of the research for 14 months. In this period, 21 people who had the cognitive disturbance light was known was attacked alzheimer.
In the circle that had the disturbance of the power remembered that was same, they who were educated higher and the more defiant work significantly experienced fewer changes and damage in the brain.
There were two explanations. The brain could become stronger because of education and the work challenge. Or the genetic factor that enabled the person to gain education and the achievement of the work was higher, it was decisive the level of the durability
Source : Media Indonesia, October, 24, 2008
Celebrities Trigger Young People's Right To Vote More Effective
The SUGGESTION from celebrities to young people to use the right to vote in the general election evidently effective. Was like this results of the survey Washington State University, the United States, against 305 students. The celebrities circle had the strength motivated the involvement of the community, aside from their understanding of a rumour, to write the researchers in the journal of Mass Communication and Society.
The study that was chaired by Erica Austin researched the influence of the campaign get out the vote that involved several selebritas, like the sensational singer Beyonce Knowles, Cristina Aguilera, and Sean 'P Diddy Combs' in 2004. The survey referred to the measure of opinion 2004 that found 44% the new voter who was registered aged 18 and 25 years.
The percentage of the young people's participation in the general election in the USA in 1996 and 2000 of 40%. In 2004 to 49%. Austin and his team believed in the increase in relation to the Beyonce campaign and friends.
The campaign was carried out by celebrities increase succesfully the feeling of satisfaction of young people and helped convinced them.
Source : Media Indonesia, October, 23, 2008
Baby Could Distinguish Music
The BABY was at least five months old evidently could distinguish clear and sad music. Was like this the findings of Ross Flom from the Brigham Young University, Utah, the United States.
The findings increasingly reinforced the opinion that stated the capacity of the human brain to know emotions was begun since beginning periods of the life.
Flom and colleagues observed the behaviour 96 babies when several musical kinds dialunkan. The babies heard three choices of the song from one musical kind, both that was cheerful and sad, repeatedly.
The researchers then turned songs from the different musical kind. Most babies showed signs knew musical kinds when clear songs were turned after sad songs, but was not the reverse.
Source: Media Indonesia, October 22, 2008
EDUCATION and the work with the pressure of could protect someone from senility that became the sign of the illness of the beginning alzheimer. The researcher from San Raffaele University, Milan, Italia, Dr Valentina Garibotto and his team researched 242 sufferers alzheimer, 72 cognitive disturbance sufferers light, and 144 people who did not have the problem of the memory.
The power capacity remembered and cognitive the subject of the research was tested. At the same time, their head was checked to know the change and damage in the brain. The researcher followed the development of the subject of the research for 14 months. In this period, 21 people who had the cognitive disturbance light was known was attacked alzheimer.
In the circle that had the disturbance of the power remembered that was same, they who were educated higher and the more defiant work significantly experienced fewer changes and damage in the brain.
There were two explanations. The brain could become stronger because of education and the work challenge. Or the genetic factor that enabled the person to gain education and the achievement of the work was higher, it was decisive the level of the durability
Source : Media Indonesia, October, 24, 2008
Celebrities Trigger Young People's Right To Vote More Effective
The SUGGESTION from celebrities to young people to use the right to vote in the general election evidently effective. Was like this results of the survey Washington State University, the United States, against 305 students. The celebrities circle had the strength motivated the involvement of the community, aside from their understanding of a rumour, to write the researchers in the journal of Mass Communication and Society.
The study that was chaired by Erica Austin researched the influence of the campaign get out the vote that involved several selebritas, like the sensational singer Beyonce Knowles, Cristina Aguilera, and Sean 'P Diddy Combs' in 2004. The survey referred to the measure of opinion 2004 that found 44% the new voter who was registered aged 18 and 25 years.
The percentage of the young people's participation in the general election in the USA in 1996 and 2000 of 40%. In 2004 to 49%. Austin and his team believed in the increase in relation to the Beyonce campaign and friends.
The campaign was carried out by celebrities increase succesfully the feeling of satisfaction of young people and helped convinced them.
Source : Media Indonesia, October, 23, 2008
Baby Could Distinguish Music
The BABY was at least five months old evidently could distinguish clear and sad music. Was like this the findings of Ross Flom from the Brigham Young University, Utah, the United States.
The findings increasingly reinforced the opinion that stated the capacity of the human brain to know emotions was begun since beginning periods of the life.
Flom and colleagues observed the behaviour 96 babies when several musical kinds dialunkan. The babies heard three choices of the song from one musical kind, both that was cheerful and sad, repeatedly.
The researchers then turned songs from the different musical kind. Most babies showed signs knew musical kinds when clear songs were turned after sad songs, but was not the reverse.
Source: Media Indonesia, October 22, 2008
Sekolah Hilangkan Pikun
PENDIDIKAN dan pekerjaan dengan tekanan dapat melindungi seseorang dari kepikunan yang menjadi gejala awal penyakit alzheimer. Peneliti dari San Raffaele University, Milan, Italia, Dr Valentina Garibotto dan timnya meneliti 242 penderita alzheimer, 72 penderita gangguan kognitif ringan, dan 144 orang yang tidak punya masalah ingatan.
Kemampuan daya ingat dan kognitif subjek penelitian diuji. Di saat yang sama, kepala mereka diperiksa untuk mengetahui perubahan dan kerusakan pada otak. Peneliti mengikuti perkembangan subjek penelitian selama 14 bulan. Dalam kurun waktu tersebut, 21 orang yang memiliki gangguan kognitif ringan diketahui terserang alzheimer.
Di kalangan yang punya gangguan daya ingat yang sama, mereka yang berpendidikan lebih tinggi dan pekerjaan yang lebih menantang secara signifikan mengalami lebih sedikit perubahan dan kerusakan pada otak.
Ada dua penjelasannya. Otak bisa jadi lebih kuat karena pendidikan dan tantangan kerja. Atau faktor genetis yang memungkinkan orang meraih pendidikan dan prestasi kerja lebih tinggi, yang menentukan tingkat keawetan otak,'' kata Garibotto.
Sumber : Media Indonesia, 24 Oktober 2008
Selebritas Pacu Hak Pilih Anak Muda
ANJURAN kalangan selebritas kepada anak-anak muda untuk menggunakan hak pilih dalam pemilihan umum ternyata efektif. Demikian hasil survei Washington State University, Amerika Serikat, terhadap 305 mahasiswa. Kalangan selebritas memiliki kekuatan memotivasi keterlibatan masyarakat, terlepas dari pemahaman mereka terhadap suatu isu, tulis para peneliti di jurnal Mass Communication and Society.
Studi yang diketuai Erica Austin itu meneliti pengaruh kampanye get out the vote yang melibatkan beberapa selebritas, seperti penyanyi sensasional Beyonce Knowles, Cristina Aguilera, dan Sean 'P Diddy' Combs pada 2004. Survei itu merujuk kepada jajak pendapat 2004 yang menemukan 44% pemilih baru yang terdaftar berusia 18 dan 25 tahun.
Persentase partisipasi anak muda dalam pemilu di AS pada 1996 dan 2000 sebesar 40%. Pada 2004 menjadi 49%. Austin dan timnya meyakini peningkatan itu terkait dengan kampanye Beyonce dan kawan-kawan.
Kampanye yang dilakukan selebritas sukses menurunkan rasa kepuasan diri anak muda dan membantu meyakinkan anak muda tentang peran mereka dalam sistem politik. Keterlibatan anak muda meningkat dan mereka menjadi paham isu-isu sosial,'' bunyi laporan Austin.
Sumber : Media Indonesia, 23 Oktober 2008
Bayi Mampu Bedakan Musik
BAYI berusia sekurangnya lima bulan ternyata telah mampu membedakan musik ceria dan sendu. Demikian temuan Ross Flom dari Universitas Brigham Young, Utah, Amerika Serikat.
Temuan itu kian memperkuat pendapat yang menyatakan kemampuan otak manusia mengenali emosi dimulai sejak masa-masa awal kehidupan.
Flom dan rekan-rekan mengamati perilaku 96 bayi ketika beberapa jenis musik dialunkan. Bayi-bayi itu mendengar tiga pilihan lagu dari satu jenis musik, baik yang ceria maupun sendu, secara berulang-ulang.
Para peneliti lalu memutar lagu-lagu dari jenis musik yang berlainan.
Sebagian besar bayi-bayi itu menunjukkan tanda-tanda mengenali jenis-jenis musik saat lagu-lagu ceria diputar setelah lagu-lagu sendu, tetapi tidak sebaliknya.
Translation from
PENDIDIKAN dan pekerjaan dengan tekanan dapat melindungi seseorang dari kepikunan yang menjadi gejala awal penyakit alzheimer. Peneliti dari San Raffaele University, Milan, Italia, Dr Valentina Garibotto dan timnya meneliti 242 penderita alzheimer, 72 penderita gangguan kognitif ringan, dan 144 orang yang tidak punya masalah ingatan.
Kemampuan daya ingat dan kognitif subjek penelitian diuji. Di saat yang sama, kepala mereka diperiksa untuk mengetahui perubahan dan kerusakan pada otak. Peneliti mengikuti perkembangan subjek penelitian selama 14 bulan. Dalam kurun waktu tersebut, 21 orang yang memiliki gangguan kognitif ringan diketahui terserang alzheimer.
Di kalangan yang punya gangguan daya ingat yang sama, mereka yang berpendidikan lebih tinggi dan pekerjaan yang lebih menantang secara signifikan mengalami lebih sedikit perubahan dan kerusakan pada otak.
Ada dua penjelasannya. Otak bisa jadi lebih kuat karena pendidikan dan tantangan kerja. Atau faktor genetis yang memungkinkan orang meraih pendidikan dan prestasi kerja lebih tinggi, yang menentukan tingkat keawetan otak,'' kata Garibotto.
Sumber : Media Indonesia, 24 Oktober 2008
Selebritas Pacu Hak Pilih Anak Muda
ANJURAN kalangan selebritas kepada anak-anak muda untuk menggunakan hak pilih dalam pemilihan umum ternyata efektif. Demikian hasil survei Washington State University, Amerika Serikat, terhadap 305 mahasiswa. Kalangan selebritas memiliki kekuatan memotivasi keterlibatan masyarakat, terlepas dari pemahaman mereka terhadap suatu isu, tulis para peneliti di jurnal Mass Communication and Society.
Studi yang diketuai Erica Austin itu meneliti pengaruh kampanye get out the vote yang melibatkan beberapa selebritas, seperti penyanyi sensasional Beyonce Knowles, Cristina Aguilera, dan Sean 'P Diddy' Combs pada 2004. Survei itu merujuk kepada jajak pendapat 2004 yang menemukan 44% pemilih baru yang terdaftar berusia 18 dan 25 tahun.
Persentase partisipasi anak muda dalam pemilu di AS pada 1996 dan 2000 sebesar 40%. Pada 2004 menjadi 49%. Austin dan timnya meyakini peningkatan itu terkait dengan kampanye Beyonce dan kawan-kawan.
Kampanye yang dilakukan selebritas sukses menurunkan rasa kepuasan diri anak muda dan membantu meyakinkan anak muda tentang peran mereka dalam sistem politik. Keterlibatan anak muda meningkat dan mereka menjadi paham isu-isu sosial,'' bunyi laporan Austin.
Sumber : Media Indonesia, 23 Oktober 2008
Bayi Mampu Bedakan Musik
BAYI berusia sekurangnya lima bulan ternyata telah mampu membedakan musik ceria dan sendu. Demikian temuan Ross Flom dari Universitas Brigham Young, Utah, Amerika Serikat.
Temuan itu kian memperkuat pendapat yang menyatakan kemampuan otak manusia mengenali emosi dimulai sejak masa-masa awal kehidupan.
Flom dan rekan-rekan mengamati perilaku 96 bayi ketika beberapa jenis musik dialunkan. Bayi-bayi itu mendengar tiga pilihan lagu dari satu jenis musik, baik yang ceria maupun sendu, secara berulang-ulang.
Para peneliti lalu memutar lagu-lagu dari jenis musik yang berlainan.
Sebagian besar bayi-bayi itu menunjukkan tanda-tanda mengenali jenis-jenis musik saat lagu-lagu ceria diputar setelah lagu-lagu sendu, tetapi tidak sebaliknya.
Translation from
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