There are various diseases or disorders that are not accurately diagnosed at first sight or they are misdiagnosed. Most of the time, it is because the symptoms of one disease or condition are similar to symptoms of some other disorder or condition.
This can be very dangerous in case of conditions where prompt treatment or help is needed for immediate and correct diagnosis is very important. Stroke and heart attack are two such conditions that have similar symptoms and it needs proper diagnosis to actually identify the condition.
Heart attack and stroke both need urgent medical attention. Both conditions are related to heart, the most important organ of the body that pumps and circulates blood into the body.
Stroke usually occurs due to blockage in the blood vessels. Blood vessels get blocked by accumulation of excessive cholesterol or fats that slow down the flow of blood.
If any blood clots are present inside the blood vessels there is a greater chance of stroke as they can block the passage of blood.
Cholesterol plays a major role in stroke as it blocks the supply of blood to brain. When the blood does not reach the brain it causes lack of oxygen that leads to numbness. This numbness and lack of oxygen can cause a stroke in any part of the body. In addition to this type of stroke, hemorrhaging may also occur in the brain due to rupture of a blood vessel and blood clots.
Key Symptoms of Stroke Are
Turning numb in the face, leg or arm suddenly. This may happen on only one side of the body
Difficulty in speaking and comprehending all of a sudden
Poor vision all of a sudden in one or both eyes
Headaches with no real reason
Numbness or pain in any part of the body
Usually, in a stroke, one may be initially diagnosed as having a heart attack. This is because a stroke victim may not respond when shaken. This happens in the case where the victim has fainted. In some cases, a stroke victim may complain about pain or numbness in any part of the body.
Heart Attack
The reasons behind heart attack may be same as those for stroke. Cholesterol and fats play a major role in blocking the blood vessels. As a result, the blood does not reach the body and the heart is not able to perform its function of pumping the blood that leads to heart attack.
When a heart attack occurs, the arteries that supply blood to the cardiac muscles get blocked and deprive the heart of oxygen. Thrombosis or blood clots also play a major role in causing a heart attack.
Key Symptoms of Heart Attack Are
Feeling of sore muscles
Squeezing or pain in any part of the body. Though in a heart attack pain is largely confined to the chest, left arm, and part of the face (usually the left side)
Lack of response if shaken physically
Apparent loss in breathing or irregular breathing
Lack of blood circulation
If a stroke occurs in the chest or near the chest area, people believe that it is heart attack. Also, due to the similar causes and symptoms of the conditions, people are unable to distinguish between stroke and heart attack.
In spite of the apparent differences between a stroke and a heart attack, it is most likely that there would be confusion in diagnosis. This is because a patient cannot speak up for himself. Pain or numbness in the body cannot be expressed, and thus no one can determine exactly what is happening.
Thus, it can be said that stroke symptoms resemble a heart attack and in such a case, immediate medical care is recommended. Only with the right kind of tests and diagnosis, the right condition can be identified and proper treatment can be given.
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This can be very dangerous in case of conditions where prompt treatment or help is needed for immediate and correct diagnosis is very important. Stroke and heart attack are two such conditions that have similar symptoms and it needs proper diagnosis to actually identify the condition.
Heart attack and stroke both need urgent medical attention. Both conditions are related to heart, the most important organ of the body that pumps and circulates blood into the body.
Stroke usually occurs due to blockage in the blood vessels. Blood vessels get blocked by accumulation of excessive cholesterol or fats that slow down the flow of blood.
If any blood clots are present inside the blood vessels there is a greater chance of stroke as they can block the passage of blood.
Cholesterol plays a major role in stroke as it blocks the supply of blood to brain. When the blood does not reach the brain it causes lack of oxygen that leads to numbness. This numbness and lack of oxygen can cause a stroke in any part of the body. In addition to this type of stroke, hemorrhaging may also occur in the brain due to rupture of a blood vessel and blood clots.
Key Symptoms of Stroke Are
Turning numb in the face, leg or arm suddenly. This may happen on only one side of the body
Difficulty in speaking and comprehending all of a sudden
Poor vision all of a sudden in one or both eyes
Headaches with no real reason
Numbness or pain in any part of the body
Usually, in a stroke, one may be initially diagnosed as having a heart attack. This is because a stroke victim may not respond when shaken. This happens in the case where the victim has fainted. In some cases, a stroke victim may complain about pain or numbness in any part of the body.
Heart Attack
The reasons behind heart attack may be same as those for stroke. Cholesterol and fats play a major role in blocking the blood vessels. As a result, the blood does not reach the body and the heart is not able to perform its function of pumping the blood that leads to heart attack.
When a heart attack occurs, the arteries that supply blood to the cardiac muscles get blocked and deprive the heart of oxygen. Thrombosis or blood clots also play a major role in causing a heart attack.
Key Symptoms of Heart Attack Are
Feeling of sore muscles
Squeezing or pain in any part of the body. Though in a heart attack pain is largely confined to the chest, left arm, and part of the face (usually the left side)
Lack of response if shaken physically
Apparent loss in breathing or irregular breathing
Lack of blood circulation
If a stroke occurs in the chest or near the chest area, people believe that it is heart attack. Also, due to the similar causes and symptoms of the conditions, people are unable to distinguish between stroke and heart attack.
In spite of the apparent differences between a stroke and a heart attack, it is most likely that there would be confusion in diagnosis. This is because a patient cannot speak up for himself. Pain or numbness in the body cannot be expressed, and thus no one can determine exactly what is happening.
Thus, it can be said that stroke symptoms resemble a heart attack and in such a case, immediate medical care is recommended. Only with the right kind of tests and diagnosis, the right condition can be identified and proper treatment can be given.
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