Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Stress Trigger Your Allergy - Sit For A Long Time Affected Sperm - Why Pir Got Rotten Fastly

Stress Trigger Your Allergy.

For you that have allergy, better avoided stress because of triggering your allergy. Was like this results of the research of Dr Janice Kiecolt-Glaserdan and friends of the Ohio University, Columbus, the USA.

The research involved 28 men and the woman who had the allergy. From results of this research, was expressed by the person that experienced stress high more will be easy to be affected by the allergy and increasingly was difficult to be cured.

“They must control the stage stress to prevent allergy,” said Janice.

According to this research, stress will increase your allergy as far as 75%. Was like this pulam the trigger stress not in the work, but in the house affair. To avoid stress could be done with various methods, among them with various methods, including arranging time exactly.

According to Dr Ronald Glaser, that also the research member, body endurance someone will take part in influencing the level of the attendance of the allergy in the body.

Source: Media Indonesia, August 16, 2008

Sit For A Long Time Affected Sperm.

For Men should not sit too long in the desk chair or the vehicle, because that could influence the quality of your sperm.

Andreas Jung and his colleagues in University Giessen, Paris, proved that after researching 30 healthy men who were asked to sit calm for 90 minutes.

According to the research, the temperature of the seat that was occupied that achieved 39.7 levels celcius. In fact, the temperature that was good for the production of sperm was in 37 levels celcius or 1 – 2 levels above that.

“The increase of the temperature could of 1 or 2 level influence the quality of men’s sperm ,” Andreas's words.

Results of the same research concluded sat for 3 hours or more in the desk chair or the vehicle will disrupt the man's capacity in the process of the production.

Andreas called to the man so that always moved and for a prolonged period did not sit in the seat because in this way, your future will be rescued.

Source: Media Indonesia

Why Pir Got Rotten Fastly?

Why pir faster rotted if compared with apples?

Evidently this problem starting point was the difference of pores in to two this. Was like this results of the team's research of Catholic University of Leuven headed by Pieter Verboven.

Pir had small pores and mutually connecting. Moreover, the content of water more. As a result, air that was needed cells pir to breathe was hindered entered so as gradually the cells will change color to chocolate or we mentioned rotted.

On the other hand, apples had the cavity in bigger pores and were not closed water so as air more was easy to enter and apples cells more were easy to breathe. The cells needed breathed to produce energy in the form of sugar that gave the sweet feeling in. “If we knew the method to keep pir well, we could predict it will be better,” said Verboven

Translation from

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